Monday, September 21, 2009

Making Progress

I was finally able to talk to Mr. Zinga on Thursday and talk about using the cafeteria and my plans for the health fair. He suggested talking to the school nurse. Ms. Savido and I went to talk to the nurse and she is glad to help out.
So, I created a list of all of the health organizations I have contacted (and might contact) and their responses to send to the nurse. I'm hoping she can help me to set this up and maybe recommend a few more organizations to contact. Since the nurse is new this year, I still need to explain how parent conference day works, and figure out the time the health fair will run(afternoon or evening).
I finished and turned in the rewritten rubric and outline for my research paper, so now I just have to start the paper. I might use my proposal to get my ideas flowing.
Since we have off Wednesday through Friday for the G20, and I am not coming tomorrow, I hope I can get some things done while we're off. My goal is to start my research paper and to continue contacting organizations and making concrete plans for the health fair.

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