Thursday, October 15, 2009

Action Plan: Complete!

I am finally done with my action plan. On Monday, I had my health fair in the school cafeteria. There was a decent turnout and I had a great amount of help from my classmates that volunteered to help out. Unfrtunetly, one participant was unable to show up due to the flu. (Ironic, right?) But other than that, things went pretty smoothly. I got a few video clips and a lot of pictures, so I hope to edit them soon. I'm not sure if I'll use the video yet or not, but I will definitely make a slideshow of pictures for my presentation.

Less than one month until we have to be done with our projects. We start practing presentations November 6th..Yikes. I hope I get done in time. I turned in my Self-Edit (finally..) and am waiting for Casey to get done with her paper (I think she has more written than me!) and then we can get our peer editing done.

I started working on my website...I have a design figured out and all that. I just need to know what pages and information I'm going to include. Hmmm. I'm not exactly sure what we need to have. Hopefully Mr. Mays gets well soon because I could really use his help on this website. It's sure is a good thing I remember how to use Dreamweaver..Although, I'm not so strong in Photoshop (I have Casey helping me with that).

Hopefully time doesn't fly by too soon, and I get everything done and done well.

Monday, October 5, 2009

One Week!

There is one week left until my health fair action plan. Mostly everything is planned completely, and I just really hope everthing goes as planned.

Unfortunetly, working on my action plan has distracted me from my literature review, so I'm really trying to get that and the self review finished ASAP (or by Friday or else).